Monday 1 January 2018

4 Steps To Be In Better Financial Shape

You may not notice it, but building your fortune is much like building your dream body: it’s easy to think about it but to actually do it and achieve it is another thing. Much like dieting and working out, it’s easy to say that you are going to start saving and investing. However, it’s also as easy to lose interest in doing them and continue them.

The good news is that much like it’s possible to have the body of your dreams, it is also possible to get rich as you wish. Because of their similarity, the common tips given to either can be applied to the other as well. What really matters is to keep your goal in mind, work hard, persevere, and never give up. Some tips and advice along the way would also help. Let us help you a little, for we have rounded up the 5 steps into a better financial shape below:

Get Financially Fit: 4 Steps To Be In Better Financial Shape

On stress: Keep your stress levels down.
Much like stress can result to overeating and get too lazy or too tired to work out, it can also result in habits that are detrimental to your financial fitness. For instance, there are many people who make shopping their source of stress-relief.

What makes it worse is how fleeting the satisfaction these things give us. It’s true what they say – a second in your lips, a lifetime in your hips. The same goes for the unnecessary things you buy. They make you happy for a short while until you have to do it again and again, and it’s a cycle that never ends. The sure thing is that such habit will leave you penniless.

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What you should do: Just like we need to watch our calorie intake and loss when we are trying to lose weight, make it a habit to watch every penny that comes in and out. Always make a budget plan, may it be daily, weekly, or monthly, and follow it as strictly as possible. Opt for more permanent ways to keep stress away from your life. It may be difficult to see it at first, but sleeping for 7-8 hours a day, eating a balanced meal, and regularly exercising will definitely keep stress away. Find a hobby that you will enjoy and will not hurt your monthly budget.

On friends & family: Surround yourself with people who are positive and will motivate you.
You know how fitness trainers recommend going to the gym with friends who also like to work out? It’s because the actions, habits, and words of the people who you surround you affect you and how you can accomplish your goals. On one hand, if your friends and family keep putting you down or encourage you to break your budget, you are more likely to give up on your goals. On the other hand, if you are surrounded by people who are motivating you to keep up your good work, it is more likely that you will

What you should do: You do not have to break off friendships just to get rich, but it’s definitely better to spend more time with motivating companions who support you on your endeavors. Talk to and ask advice from friends who are on the right track financially or are themselves are trying to achieve the same goal. Keep these nurturing people around, and you’ll see how easier things can get.

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On your routines: Put them on auto-pilot.
Achieving your financial goals requires patience and discipline, lots and lots of these two. Even when you already built the foundation for your plans, there’s always a possibility that they all go tumbling down. As they say, old habits die hard. In times like this, you need a back-up plan. Otherwise, all those hard work and efforts will come to waste.

What you should do: If you think you are one of these people who might be tempted back to their old ways, it might be a better option for you to automate your deposit to your bank accounts. This way, your money is already kept in your savings account before you even have the chance to spend it. If that is not enough, some banks also lets customer open a savings account from which you can withdraw for only a few times a year. If you have an account like this, it is less likely that you end up spending your savings.

On moderation: Don’t be too hard on yourself.
It’s important to push yourself; sometimes, you are able to do much more than you think you can. However, it is also a common mistake to not know when you are already pushing too hard. There comes a point when your goal becomes unrealistic, and when you have an unrealistic financial goal, the higher the chances are that you get demotivated or lose track. Again, it’s much like how it is when you are working out. Overtraining in the gym can do you more harm than good.

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What you should do: There’s nothing wrong with starting small. Do so if you have to. Regularly make small goals for yourself that serve as stepping stones towards your bigger financial goals, such as saving a certain amount by a given deadline, etc. Other than that, it is also important to indulge yourself from time to time. It’s not a good idea to deprive yourself; the chances of you splurging all your money at once is higher this way. Allot a small portion of your income for vacation and occasional shopping, letting them serve as your rewards. Remember, rewarding yourself also serves as a form of motivation for you to keep doing what you are doing.

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