Monday 30 October 2017

Temasek Sold 50K shares of SoilBuild Business Space REIT

If you have subscribed to email news alert from any of the REIT’s website, you may occasionally receive email announcements like the one below. Sometimes, it gets really frustrating that the announcement title does not indicate whether the substantial unit holder is increasing his holdings or selling his shares.

Today, upon receiving the above email announcement from SoilBuild Business Space REIT, I decided to check out Spiking which is a new mobile application I downloaded recently.

Look what I found. Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited has sold 50K of SoilBuild Business Space REIT at the price of S$0.68 per share. Usually when a big shareholder such as Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited dump their shares, it depress the share price of the company. Looks like SoilBuild Business Space REIT share price may go on a downtrend in upcoming weeks.  Read More

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