Thursday 2 June 2016

SHARES INVESTMENT NEWS : Best Business Tips For StartUps

Entrepreneurs’ Voices of Advice

You’ve got a great idea and you think it can catch fire and become a profit-making business. That’s fantastic! Make sure then that you move on that idea and don’t let it languish.

Advice from experienced entrepreneurs may be just the motivation you need to get yourself into the starting blocks, ready for the gun and set to run with your brilliant concept as a newly-minted entrepreneur.

Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs – Be Brave!

You must be prepared to face at least some failure, as all successful entrepreneurs ultimately do. If heavy losses and disastrous letdowns petrify you, then entrepreneurship is not for you. You have to be prepared to face the unknown.

You’ll have to know how to handle situations without knowing where they may lead. There’s no guarantee that decisions you make or actions you undertake will result in your desired outcomes. You have to know that your life will become one big rollercoaster ride as you potentially book high profits one month and heavy losses in another. Things might even go wrong at the last minute, like maybe your funding unexpectedly falls through.

“Learn to embrace the unknown because, as a founder, you’ll have to make decisions without knowing what’s coming. There are no perfect scenarios, and you can’t let that paralyze you.” — Himani Amoli, co-founder of Wedding Party

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Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs – Be Wary!

Just like all other entrepreneurs, you’ll need to be aware of everything and everyone around you. Amanda Allen, the founder of NewlyWish, suggests that you try to go with the flow of the market.

To achieve this, you need to pay attention to every little detail so that you could produce a similar industrial concept. On the other hand, Amanda Goetz, co-founder and CEO of Availender, has a contrasting theory.

She believes that you mustn’t follow everyone else but rather develop an individual approach. This will ultimately set you apart and lead you to success.

Kara Goldin, CEO and founder of hint Inc., advises that you listen to your gut feelings. She believes that had she done so herself; she would have been more successfully sooner.

Shala Burroughs, co-founder and CEO of CloudPeeps, says that you must also know whom to listen to. Not everyone around you will offer the best suggestions.

You must judge whose advice is worth following based on their past and present situations. What will help you collect the right people around you? Selena Soo, founder of S2 Groupe, and Brittany Haas, founder of Happily Ever Borrowed, both believe that networking is the key to assembling the right people for your business’s success.

“Behind every life-changing opportunity is a person who can give it to you. Focus on cultivating relationships and your business will naturally grow.” — Selena Soo

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Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs – Be Optimistic!

Successful entrepreneurs mostly agree that an essential element in surviving the pitfalls and calamities of entrepreneurship is optimism. Catherine Doyle, co-founder of Dobbin Clothing, advises that this is probably the only way to get through all the tough times in business.

Angela Jia Kim, founder of Savor the Success, supports Doyle by explaining that an optimistic attitude will help you rejoice in your business’ victories. Although you should make note of the mistakes that you will certainly make, you mustn’t dwell on them with regret and self-flagellation.

Focus rather on how you were able to overcome obstacles to claim your victories so that you don’t repeat your past mistakes. Remember that if you’re not making mistakes, you’re not taking sufficient risks, something which will ultimately bring out the best in you.

Real estate entrepreneur Barbara Corcoran values insults. She credits insults for boosting her abilities during her initial stages of entrepreneurship. When people told her that she wouldn’t ever be one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the business, she gave her very best performance to ensure that these people would never have the satisfaction of being right.

Always remember that you don’t have to be perfect. In fact, the founder and president of She’s the First, Tammy Tibbetts, had a boss early in her career who advised that she should never let perfection lead her. For when this happens, perfection becomes an obstacle that hinders the generation of best outcomes.

Sara Rotman, an advertising entrepreneur, shares that an accountant for her startup taught her to utilise the uncomfortable situations to her advantage. The accountant told her to invest money so that she could barely survive with the little she had left. Uncomfortable situations are ideal for sparking the best ideas in your mind.

To reinforce your optimism, Rebecca Dengrove, co-founder and CEO of Brewla Bars, advises gathering the most optimistic individuals possible around you. You need to have inspirational leaders and motivating mentors to guide you and believe in you whenever your positive attitude starts to flag.

To remain optimistic, Kate Mulling, co-founder of Thrive Market, suggests that you approach your goals with your heart and passion rather than being singularly attached to the ultimate results you’re striving to reach. To keep your passion alive,

Genavieve Shingle Jaffe, co-founder of Magical Business Academy, believes that entrepreneurs must make time for their personal desires. This will keep you motivated and satisfied through all kinds of wind and weather.

Advice from Successful Entrepreneurs – Be Persistent!

Even when you feel like the whole world is combating your desire to build a successful business, be persistent, just as all other successful entrepreneurs are. Don’t give in to your doubts. Keep moving forward despite all setbacks. You must be relaxed and free so that you may keep advancing on the tide of your skills.

“Be like a seagull. Ride the waves as they ebb and flow. But never forget that you have the ability to fly.” — Michelle Goldblum, founder of Soul Camp and I AM. creative. Whenever Baya Voce, founder of The Playbook for Men  felt like giving up, she reminded herself that success and failure are always found on one and the same track.

This means that she must’ve been on the right path, because if she had given up at any particular point, she would have been leaving the track of both failure and success. This is why giving up can never be an option.

Sourece -

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