Tuesday 17 May 2016


As of late, there has been an influx of recorded organizations that have either delisted, or are at present amidst looking for delisting/privatization from SGX.

The latest organization in the news as of now is Eu Yan Sang. The delisting offer of $0.60 originates from Righteous Crane Holding, a consortium that incorporates Temasek Holdings, Tower Capital and the speculation arm of UOB.

The offer cost speaks to premiums of around 17 for every penny and 25 for every penny to the volume-weighted normal cost per offer for the three-and six-month time spans up to May 9 – the last full exchanging day before the offer.

This is cited from a news article: 

"The offer is additionally essentially higher than examiners' objective value scope of 30 pennies to 36 pennies for every offer."
18) Delisting - Eu Yan Sang share price 18052016

All things considered, I dont truly think a lot about what examiners think. I would say, it's a tremendous mix-up to append much weight to what they say. I can discover numerous cases when these examiners weren't right on various events, then in the long run just basically put out a "stop scope" news on the organization and proceed onward.
As found in the graph above, on the off chance that you were one of the prior shareholders who purchased the shares before 2011, odds are this venture has been beneficial, obviously in fluctuating degrees.

Notwithstanding, in the event that you'd purchased offers in the previous 5 years (2011-2016), which I think is an exceptionally generous part of the shareholder base, odds are that you'd be gazing at a misfortune, in some occurrences of >20%! Obviously, this is barring profits, so the profits may discredit the misfortune a bit however everybody concurs this would barely be viewed as a stellar venture.

Obviously, taking a gander at the short term, (from 2015 to exhibit), the $0.60 looks alluring, yet it's an illusion on the off chance that you take a gander at the 10,000 foot view.

Curiously, at the season of composing this, the offer cost (presently $0.63) is ABOVE the offer cost of $0.6, demonstrating that the business sector, and alternate shareholders think the offer cost might be raised. This is in spite of the offer archive expressing unequivocally that the "offerer does not plan to change the offer cost."

Be that as it may, this post is not about Eu Yan Sang. I have never been a shareholder and have not done any examination about the financials of this organization. Or maybe, I am watching the pattern of delistings as of late/years.

The expressed explanation behind delisting, given by Eu Yan Sang, is really non specific:

Low Trading Liquidity of Shares

Consistence Costs of Maintaining Listing

More prominent Management Flexibility

All delistings discuss the same things. Of course, these are to some degree legitimate, however these are additionally contemplations amid posting would it say it isn't? Why the sudden need to delist? None of these elements are new. (in spite of the fact that for some organizations with lower offer costs, the MTP prerequisite includes instability and consistence costs)

Or maybe, I think the genuine purpose behind such a variety of organizations to delist now is just in light of the fact that it bodes well (for the offerors and the significant shareholders required) to do as such.

The general business sector has fallen significantly as found in the STI. Credit is still shoddy and effectively accessible. Numerous institutional financial specialists (like on account of Eu Yan Sang) who are money rich and have profound pockets, or money rich administration, can now exploit this modest credit and discouraged offer value environment to delist the organizations for as little as possible, and conceivably even relist later on, either here or abroad.

For whatever length of time that the arrival on value produced by the organization surpasses that of the expense of financing credit, one can even do an utilized purchase out. Utilize the bank's cash to purchase out the organization, and after that utilization the profits on the value of the organization to pay off the expenses of the advance and the straggling leftovers is for the shareholders of the now privately owned business. This is like what the Glazers family did to Manchester United FC quite a long while back.

A portion of alternate organizations that have delisted or are delisting as of late incorporate Tiger Airways, Osim International, Popular Holdings, SC Global, Asia Pacific Breweries and CK Tang.

On a fairly related note, this is the motivation behind why I don't get tied up with IPOs. As Buffett has said some time recently, the whole IPO process spins around getting as high a valuation as would be prudent for the posting. It is elusive great worth in such a situation.

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